- Developing the society-

I am Juuso-Matias. On this page I will tell more about my adventures in the world of activism, communities and politics. This page doesn't tell everything about how I will make the world a better place, as I have to be doing it too and not just tell about it. If you want to learn more of my arts or experiences within that world instead, check the other pages.

My dream is to create more sustainable structures. For me sustainability focuses mainly on the humane dimension: human needs should be taken care of first and we should design how we use money based on that – and not the other way around. My goals as an active citizen are quite simple, that is.

My background is in performing arts, union activities and in teaching. These backgrounds give me a combination of skills of story-telling, empathy and listening. For me it is important to put words into complex human things in a practical way. I will gladly listen to people when I have enough resources to spare. I do many voluntary things so I have to often take room for my own well-being.

I have written some blog posts to this page around the areas I have been asked to share about. In most cases somebody has specifically asked me to find out about something that interests them or I have participated in a certain even after which I have written a sort of report of it. Please continue to let me know which topics interest you and what I could write about in the future. I have only a limited amount of resources, but will still return to everything with time.

If you want to give special support in the future, there are three ways to make it happen:

1. Be in contact. Let me know if you want to help me in the future elections. Let me know of your experiences or your opinions. Those interest me.

2. Get to know about things that are important to me through past and present promises and election machines that I work with.

3. Vote in the future elections. If I am not your choice, I can help you choose yours.

Thank you for taking time to do your part!

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Political History

My first candidacy in Finnish municipial elections was in Turku during year 2021, after which I was also a candidate at well-being areas elections in South-West Finland during 2022. As a candidate my priorities were to ensure well-being and basic safety for all the citizens of Turku – and how to let them also have say to things that affect them. In the area elections, I spoke about the well-being areas and hwo to build them as a common, secure structure that doesn’t let anyone from South-West Finland to fall through – especially during the formation stage. I will continue with similar themes in the future elections even if the city and well-being area would change.

I will collect below all the links to the relevant “election machines” that I have used in the previous elections. They will answer the practical, relevant questions that I know of, but which I have not yet had time to tell about in other contexts. If you wish to discuss with me about something that concerns me, I will gladly answer your questions and gladly also hear of opposing views.

I have also spared to this site some of the election promises I have made I did notice at some point that these promises are good to list so I can check in with them. It will also give me some accountability: any person who has voted for me can check if I have followed through.


Helsingin sanomat
SAK (a promise)


SAK (a promise)
Young people: answers in different languages
SETA (a promise)
SOOL (a promise)
Finnish national violence observatory 
Trade Union for Theatre and Media (gallery)
Terveysehdokas (health candidate)
Tilaa taiteelle (promise)
Sanoma (Helsingin sanomat, Satakunnan kansa)
Trans ry:n (trans association): in Finnish, in English.
Tärkeintä kirjastossa (test)
YLEn: in Finnish, in English, på svenska.

Unpublished (when last checked):

Galleries from former elections

Elections for the Well-being Areas 2022

Municipial Elections 2021


Chairperson at Live Art Society.

Vice-chair at Esitystaiteen Keskus ry – Performancecentrum rf.

Vice-chair at Theatre Workers Union.

Treasurer at Dramatic Combat Finland.

Secretary at Turun seudun Seta ry.

Vice-chair at Koulutuspoliittinen Vasemmisto KOVA

Vice Board Member at Varsinais-Suomen Vasemmistoliitto

Vice Board Member at Nordic Stage Fight Society.

Vice Board Member at Turku Dansart.

Human-based politics with Juuso-Matias

Currently I haven’t written much or translated things in English but I will do that in the future.

Ay-liikkeen merkitys

Osallistuin tänä viikonloppuna (23.9.-24.9.) SAK:laisten (Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusliitto) liittojen nuorille jäsenille tarkoitetulle risteilylle Teatteri- ja mediatyöntekijöiden liitto Temen edustajana. Risteilyllä kohtasin hienoja keskusteluja ja ihmisiä. Sain...

Mitä maakunnat päättävät?

Suomeen on tulossa suuri hallinnollinen uudistus, jossa kuntatasolla ollutta toimintaa järjestellään siirretään maakuntiin aluehallintojen toiminnaksi. On tärkeää, että tämä uudistus tehdään järkevästi - ja että uuden alueen päättäjiksi valitaan ihmiset oikein, sillä...

Miksi maailman parantaminen on niin vaikeaa?

Pohdin tänään, mikseivät ihmiset saa enää parantaa maailmaa. Olen seurannut hieman keskustelua, ja minua hämmentää kovasti, että nämä asiat herättävät yhä keskustelua. Jos huomaat itse raivostuvasi siitä, että joku toinen on rakentamassa kaikille parempaa maailmaa, miettisitkö hetken, millaista maailmaa itse rakennat?

Pormestariohjelman asiayhteys

Tänä aamuna pohdin hieman sitä, mikä on laajempi kuva liittyen Vasemmistoliitonkin hyväksymään pormestarisopimukseen. Siellä on mielestäni joitain ongelmallisia muotoiluja - vaikka toisaalta hyväksyn myös, että muotoilut ovat vain niitä: muotoiluja. Todellisuudessa...

Vastuu ja sen kantaminen

Kerron hieman ajatuksiani inhimillisestä ja poliittisesta vastuusta tämän päivän vaalimökkitapaamisten inspiroimana: kumpaakin tarvitsen.

Esitysten tekemisen hinta

Tuntuu siltä, että ihmiset eivät ymmärrä, millainen työmäärä taiteelliseen työhön liittyy. Kerron siksi hieman omasta näkökulmastani, live-esityksen rakentamisesta.

SOOL ja resurssit

Resurssien ohjaaminen oppimisen edellytyksiin ja laatuun on yksinkertainen satsaus tulevaisuuteen. Miksi emme tekisi sitä?

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