- Juuso-Matias – the site-

This page is about an artist-expert in portraying violence and intimacy. It is about an advocate for stuctures and sustainability. It tells you of a wayfarer of inner worlds and ruthlessly consensual pedagogy. It is an invitation to be human beings – and do art – together.

This site has two intentions. First it presents me as an expert in performing arts. I tell about my research, teaching experiences and expertise with the help of pictures, words and lists. Besides the professional profile, it presents also what I do outside my profession. There are so many essential things to care about in this world, and I want to do my part in the process. This page tells a story of a performing artist and of a conscientious human being. 

Below here you can find five pictures / links that describe the different facets of me. These links can also be found in the basic structure of this page above. The phrasing of them is just a bit different. Colour schemes of the site are quite simple. Orange is associated with artistic work within productions. Blue has something to do with research or education. Black and Grey-scale colours are biting to the reality: rights at work, citizen-activism within enviroment and human issues and then on to my own, personal identity.

As is typical to this world and to me, also this site is in motion. It is an ever-developing draft. If you encounter mistakes somewhere, please let me know.

Tutkija-taiteilija. Kuva Juuso-Matiaksesta hymyilemässä. Ruskeat puolipitkät hiukset, vaalea ihonväri, ruskea parta ja harmaat silmät.

Researcher and Educator

The page behind this picture tells a story about my current journey through academic artistic research and growing my educational expertise within the world of performing arts.

Taiteilija-asiantuntija. Kuva Juuso-Matiaksesta muodostamassa käsillään kolmiota. Ruskeat puolipitkät hiukset, vaalea ihonväri, ruskea parta ja harmaat silmät, sininen kauluspaita. Lila tausta.


I work often in an expert role with heightened physicality, violence and intimacy, in performing arts and within media. Behind this link, you can read more about these areas of expertise.

Esittävien taiteiden ammattilainen. Kuva Juuso-Matiaksesta muodostamassa käsillään symmetrisen kolmion. Ruskea parta, harmaat silmät, vaalea ihonväri, sininen kauluspaita.

Performing Arts Professional

This page gathers more accurate information about what all I have done throughout my professional career leaving out my voluntary work, productions in an amateur role and coaching. 

Kansalaisaktiivi. Kuva Juuso-Matiaksesta poseeraamassa vaalikuvaa varten. Ruskea parta, harmaat silmät, vaalea ihonväri, vaaleansininen kauluspaita.


On this page I present, how I work with a better world as an active citizen. This work is done with Finnish Left Alliance and in different performing arts structures I have encountered.


Ihminen. Kuva Juuso-Matiaksesta leikkimässä käden muodostamalla nukella. Ruskea parta, harmaat silmät, vaalea ihonväri, musta t-paita.

Human being

This page presents some practical facts of myself: my diet, humane identities and other such things might add to an understanding of my boundaries and restrictions as a human being. 

This post is also available in: FinnishSwedish