- Experiences within performing arts-

I am Juuso-Matias and work with fight and intimacy direction, as a teacher and researcher. The purpose of this page is to draw a picture in length of what I have done and how this moment is mirrored by my past experiences.

Look below if you want to get an idea of my collaborations through the years as I blend text an pictures together.

Follow the links above if you want to look deeper into a specific aspect of my work on this site.

Click the image on the right if you want to look into my artist-researcher profile that is under development at Research Catalogue.


Research Catalogue: Work on Skills Profile

Juuso-Matias with a musketeer sword held vertically. Dark background, black t-shirt and brown hair.

Juuso-Matias - Picture: Jari Ratilainen


Name: Juuso-Matias Maijanen
Phone Number: +358 40 717 2486
E-mail: info@juuso-matias.fi

My professional skills are based a lot on discussions skills: story-telling, listening and taking responsibility of one’s own choices.

At the moment I am looking for new opportunities to grow as a practitioner specialising in intensive scenes that need specific physical awareness, as a movement director. This means especially the work with intimacy and violence choreographies as a part of performing arts productions.

Juuso-Matias forming a triangle with their hands. Violet, blue shirt and brown hair, beard and piercing-grey eyes.

Juuso-Matias - Picture: Kerttu Kömi

Searching for my own art

Love Simulation EVE (2023). A character in a white jacket is putting a VR headset on another character with similar jacket
Love Simulation EVE (2023). Butterfly logo and text Love Simulation EVE.
Love Simulation EVE (2023). Character in the middle of the space. Heart is shining red through clothes. Behind the character a blazing light.
Stockholm University of the Arts (2023). Juuso-Matias stands wearing a orange scarf in front of the school's sign and smiles.
Stockholm University of the Arts (2023). Repeating text in the frame "The Blog". A Text A memory lane to analyze the physicality. Planning the research. Juuso-atias in the background holding a frame in blue shirt.
Intimacy in Translation: Bridging Consent in Culture and Language 15.11.2022 Picture of three people. Juuso-Matias, Neha Byaso and Lauren Kiele Deleon. November 15th 2022
Text. Suostumuskoulutuspäivä SamtyckesdagTaideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu Konstuniversitetens TeaterhögskolaPedagogisk konstnär  Taiteiljaopettaja Juuso-Matias Maijanen . In the picture a sleeping lion with their puppies.
Summer Clash 2022 - Nordic Stage Fight Society and Dramatic Combat Finland
Analysing the Physicality of the Performing Arts Processes - Research Plan 13.6.2023
Juuso-Matias in the middle of a pile of 360 degree cameras and VR headsets for their MA study (2024)
A draft of a front page in Research Catalogue publication system Finding the Limits of using Immersive Video as a Self-Analysis Tool in Creative Process


Master in Performing Arts (2023-, Stockholm University of the Arts)
Project-based program which offers me experiences on how thematic profile areas and artistic research work at Stockholm University of the Arts. I have been focusing on further developing my own pedagogical practice and in widening my understanding of performing arts.

Intimacy Director* (2017-, Intimacy Directors and Coordinators Inc)
I have finished intimacy director studies I started with Intimacy Directors International with Intimacy Directors and Coordinators (IDC) in the US. To officially finish these studies, I have to design enough live performances as an intimacy director.

Scenkonstpedagog, YH (2017-2019, Novia University of Applied Sciences)
I did my formal teacher training at Novia University of the Arts. These studies included 60 study points of theatre and drama pedagogical studies organized by Åbo Akademi University..

Professional qualifications of an entrepreuner (24.8.2015-11.12.2015, TAKK)
I took part in a half a year of entrepreunership progra. During this training the focus was in starting one’s own company, in the business practices and iin productization.

Bachelor of Culture and Arts in Performing Arts (2011-2015, Novia University of Applied Sciences)
This was the physical theatre program organized by Novia University of Applied Scienes. The purpose of the program was to educate physical actors, who could also take the roles of director, teacher or choreographer as needed.


Intimacy in Translation: Bridging Consent in Culture and Language (2022, Intimacy Directors and Coordinators Inc)
I took part as a co-discussed with Lauren Kiele DeLeon ja Neha Vyaso around our thoughts of intimacy in our specific languages and the word choices we make.
Link: Intimacy in Translation: Bridging Consent in Culture and Language

Alastonkohtaukset ja läheisyyden koreografiointi (2020, Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland: Meteli-paper)
I did write a article of you junior college Pia Rickman. The purpose of this was to give a picture of Pia’s views on intimacy coordination for film techniques for a larger audience.
Link: Juuso-Matias Maijanen: Alastonkohtaukset ja läheisyyden koreografiointi

A Search for Inner Dragon (2015, Novia University of the Applied Sciences)
My written final thesis for the physical theatre studies at Novia University of Applied Sciences.
Link: Theseus-database

Work within the techniques of Violence and Intimacy

The University of the Arts Helsinki: Consent Day (2024) as Guest Lecturer.

coffee n’ movies: Neon Moon (2021-2024) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Helsinki-filmi (2024) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Fisher King (2023) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Yellow Film & TV (2024) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Turun Suurtorin keskiaika ry: Elävöitetty Pyhiinvaellus (2023) as Theatre Director.

Avatar’s Journey Travel Agency & The International Theatre of Finland: Love Simulation EVE (2023) as Intimacy Director

The University of the Arts Helsinki: Intimacy Choreography course (2023) as Guest Lecturer.

Warner Bros: Aallonmurtaja, 4th Season (2022) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Tekele Productions: Kiitos elämä (2022) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Kaiho Republic: Swang, 2nd Season (2022) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Tuffi Films (2022, postponed) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Turku University of Applied Sciences: Eräänä… Zombietrilogia (2022) as Fight Coordinator.

Teatteri Soittorasia: Stage Violence course (2022) as Theatre Teacher.

Team EVE: Water Spirits (2020-2022) as Intimacy Director.

coffee n’ movies: Memento Mori (2021, postponed) as Intimacy Coordinator.

Fyr Films: The Demon of Midday (2021) as Intimacy Coordinator and Fight Coordinator.

Turku University of Applied Sciences: Physical Expression 1 (autumn 2021) as Stand-in for Theatre Teacher.

Finnish-language Community College Turku: Humane Theatre Course (autumn 2021) as Theatre Teacher.

Kuroa Kollektiivi (2021 onwards) as Resident Intimacy Director (as needed).

Arvo Jean-Michael Saarinen’s Work Safety Project at North Karelia as Intimacy Educator.

Turku Medieval Market: Medieval Ferry (summer 2021) as Director, Fight Director and Performer.

EVE – An Immersive Performance (cancelled 2021, 2018-2021) as Movement Director and Intimacy Educator.

Varsinais-Suomen kansanopisto: Theatre and Make-up Program (spring 2020) as Stand-in for Main Theatre Teacher.

Suomen Musiikkiteatteri Akatemia (2014-2017) as Physical Theatre Teacher, Resident Fight Director.

Åbolands Teaterskola: Basic Education in Theatre Program (2018-2019) as Theatre Teacher.

Suomen Teatteriopisto: Performer techniques for Violence and Intimacy (autumn 2018) as Guest Teacher.

Koskikotikeskus: Humane Theatre (2018) as Guest Teacher.

Pirkan Opisto: Stage Combat Course (2017) as Guest Teacher.

Other Working Experience

Workshop Producer, Summer Clash 2022, Dramatic Combat Finland and Nordic Stage Fight Society, 2022

Teacher, Humane Theatre Course, Turku Finnish Workers’ College, 2021

Teacher, Physical Expression -course, Turku University of Applied Sciences, 2021

Intimacy Consultant and Fight Coordinator, The Demon of Midday, Fýr Films, 2021

Choreographer and Performer, Medieval Ferry, Turku Medieval Market, 2021

Producer, Kesämäiske’21-workshop, Dramatic Combat Finland, 2021

Teacher, Mime and Pantomime lessons, Turku Dansart, 2021

Workshop Producer, Kesämäiske’21, Dramatic Combat Finland, 2021

Teacher, Physical theatre, Turku Dansart, 2021

Teacher, Humane theatre with your own body, Turku Swedish Workers’ College, spring 2020

Film director, Medieval Market, Turun suurtorin keskiaika ry, 2020

Guest teacher, Stage combat workshop, Teatteri Soittorasia, 2020

Stand-in for the main teacher, Theatre and make-up program, Varsinais-Suomen kansanopisto, 2020

Film Director, Markkinanäytelmä-film 2020, Turku Medieval Market, 2020

Assistant and auscultant to various intimacy directors, Intimacy Directors International, 2019

Workshop teacher, Intimacy for the Stage, Turku Student Theatre, 2019

Workshop teacher, Violence for the Stage, Turku Student Theatre, 2019

Theatre teacher, basic arts education for classes 1-2, 5-6, 7-8 and 9+, Åbolands Teaterskola, 2018-2019

Movement director, EVE Production Team, 2018-2019

Dramaturg-singer, Rauhan laulut, Kanervakuoro, 2018

Class teacher, Illusions of close-relation violence workshop, Suomen Teatteriopisto, 2018

Course teacher, Humane theatre (55+ age group), Koskikotikeskus, 2018

Theatre pedagog, Audience development for Tyttö ja Herra K, Teatteri Iris, 2018

Physical Actor, Tyttö ja Herra K, Teatteri Iris, 2018

Workshop teacher, The moments of intimacy, Teatteri Iris, 2018

Class leader, Physical theatre, Music theatre Palatsi, 2014-2017

Guest teacher, Stage combat course (realistic and stylized fight), Pirkan opisto, 2017

Singer, Lauluja Metsäpolulta, Kanervakuoro, 2017

Performing Artist, Lepus (R)evolution, Kompastusjoukko, 2017

Theatre Director, Saaren kätköissä – A 50-year anniversary play, Jyväskylän kansannäyttämö, 2016

Theatre director, Saaren kätköissä, Harjun kesäteatteri, Jyväskylän kansannäyttämö, 2016

Performing Artist, Jäävuorivaara, Kompastusjoukko, 2016

Performing Artist, More Amore, Kompastusjoukko, 2015.

Dance Class Teacher, Tampere Contact Improvisation Group (2015-2018)

HEMA Instructor, Vaasa Fencers Society, HEMA branch (2011-2015)

Student-actor, direction by Tom Fjordefalk: Om Ett DrömSpel, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2015

Student-artist, Tuikesilmä-solo perfromance, Peeled-festival, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2015

Student-actor, direction by Liv Nordgren, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2014

Student-actor, direction by Elin Smedlund, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2014

Student-director, Eugene Ionesco’s Den skalliga förtrollerskan, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2014

Workshop leader, Jyväskylän kansannäyttämö, 2014

Dancer, Gorou, Mahdollisuuksien tori, 2014

Student-dancer, Beats and Prayers -festivaali, Kurokami, Novia University of the Applied Sciences, 2014

Workshop leader, Jyväskylän kansannäyttämö, 2013

Physical Actor and Dancer, Sampei Fes, 2013

Acting consult and Movement director, Gin!the Musical, 2012

Physical Actor, many productions, Vaasa Lunch Picnic, 2012

Student-actor, direction by Anni Vuorela, 2011

Student-actor, direction by Valter Sui, 2011

Dance Instructor, Vaasa historical dance group (2011-2015)

Fight Director and Actor, Prinsessa Ruusunen, Jyväskylän työväenteatteri, 2011

HEMA teaching assistant, Jyväskylä Swordfighting Society (2010-2011)


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